Yes this blog is way overdue I have just been insanely busy. Sooooo where to begin...
Well last week was Liberty's spring break. My mom, uncle, and I had planned a long time ago to go to NYC, but nope something else popped up. I got my teeth cleaned this previous summer and he told me that my wisdom teeth were coming and I would soon have to get them removed next summer or it would ruin my smile. Well as time crept by, I started feeling the boogers coming through. I instantly got scared and told my mom to make the appt. for Spring Break. Hence the dramatic change of plans in my spring break.
Well I was really excited to see if I could get a video of myself all loopy on drugs. That was a fail. I'm just NOT good on drugs, which is probably a good thing. The first dose of drugs given to me the outcome was funny. Something I do remember I saw my dog Maggie and I just thought she was overly adorable and I bent down to pet her. When I bent down I fell head first to the ground, dont worry not on top of Maggie, she got out of the way just in time. I stayed on the ground in a laughing fit. My mom tried to help me get back up and for the life of me I could not get up.
Then everything from there on is a blur. YES, I was awake the whole time. I was told during the procedure that I ranted on and on about both Justin Bieber and Josh Groban. I SCREAMED to keep my teeth. I kept saying "Pam," the name of the dental asst. that helped my dentist, for no reason. By the end of the surgery, I was crying hysterically. So no videos out of that one.

It did not take me the whole week to recover thankfully. I did not puff up like a chipmunk, only one side puffed up and that was the bottom of my left jaw were the dentist ripped my gum apart and broke that specific tooth into 4 pieces. My skin did turn blue which I did think was super because I looked like an Avatar character.
By Wednesday I was fully recovered and I spent the rest of my spring break hanging out with my awesome kids from Youth group. It was an awesome break. I swear the Kyker's House is the place to be! So much fun! Just saying. I saw my kids almost every single day. I got to meet new people in my youth, which they turned out to be pretty cool. For St. Patricks Day I took some of my kids to see one of the newest additions to our youth perform at a little cafe. He was really good sounds like a John Mayer/Jason Mraz mix.
But then you will never guess what happened!!! I got involved in drama...on St. Patricks night. HA! SHOCKER! Yeah, me a 20 year old got involved between a fight with a 16year old and a 17year old. It was pretty pathetic, and I just got super angry(which really never happens, how angry I got) and told them to figure it out on their own. It will NEVER happen again, especially that whole SITUATION. Weird.
But yeah I came back from my spring break to jump right back into the Phantom. The whole show is coming together beautifully. There are so many wonderfully talented people in this cast. The Phantom and Christine are rockin' it! And I am just so happy to be a part of it all. I know I say that a bazillion times. All I wanted my freshman year was to be friends with some of these people, and all I wanted to do was be INVOLVED with the theatre in some way!!! And Now I am! And every time I get the chance to talk to some of the people I admired from last year, I just flip out in my mind and thank God, because I am ACTUALLY talking to these people and we are FRIENDS! It makes me ecstatic! Plus I am growing closer and closer to one individual which is making me SUPER HAPPY. Yeah that's right SUPER HAPPY. ;)
BTW! Remember that one blog I wrote a few weeks about a probalem which I thought I was wrong on. Yeah I was wrong. Justaletchyaknow.
But I will go ahead and warn everyone who reads this blog in advance. I will not be posting till probably after April 13th. Because I have so much going on and I am having a HUGE test on April 13th, probably the biggest thing I will do in my college career, of course I might have to do it again if I fail. But I know two things will get me through that test. Research and PRAYER. PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER! and a MIRACLE!!!