A lot of things have happened, very good things too.
One: Phantom ended with a big BANG! it was such a great run! I have made such great friends and I have become closer with such wonderful people.

Two: I passed all of my exams with great grades and I passed all of my classes.
Three: There was a theatre banquet that the department always puts on and I was scared that I wasn't going to get invited to go with someone. After my friend told me I should just go alone and have fun on my own and just go with friends. I was completely fine with that. But out of the blue one of the old stage managers/actors asked me to go to the banquet with him. It was a lot of fun. I won an award too! I got the "Stealth Bomb" Nellie award. That made my night altogether. Oh and the future season of shows are: Oklahoma, Little Shop of Horrors, Romeo and Juliet, Ragtime, 39 Steps, and Tale of Two Cities. I know which ones I want to be a part of...hee hee hee!
This was my date:

This was the amazing group I went with:

A HUGE thing that happened to me was I got to stay in Lynchburg for an extra 2 weeks and a half. For what you may ask? I was asked to do the sound board for the department to help out with Liberty's Christian Academy. I have never worked with anything so big and so technical in my life. Seriously, for a person who has never run the sound board, or someone who has never worked with mics. I think I did pretty well for a beginner.
But styaing in Lynchburg a little while longer I had to find a place to live. I was offered one place to live, but I didnt want to crowd them. So I found another place with a friend named Kyle. I had so much fun with Kyle at his house, it was great! Kyle's house is humongous and it goes on and on and on. I got lost two times when I first started living there. Never thought that would happen to me in my lifetime.
I was happy to get to know Kyle a little more because Kyle was basically the first person I met in the theatre department when I started Liberty. I am sure he dosen't remember me that well. Kyle actually told me before we worked together on Christmas Carol and Phantom of the Opera together, I was just, "that girl from theatre appreciation class." ...Hopefully I redeemed myself....

My days and nights at Kyle's house consisted of: 11:00pm movies, styaing up till 1am every night, waking up at 11am, taking pictures, tormenting his cat Buddy, listening to Cabaret and a bunch of other musicals, ummmm here I made a cartoon...
But yeah, I LOVED it.
Now let me tell you about what show I ran the sound board for. Can you say.....CHRONICLES OF NARNIA THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE! I actually stayed with one of my best friends.
Let me explain this. I have three best friends.
Katherine- Theatre best friend, all things that involves theatre I do with her.
Allie- Been my best friend for 7 years now. We went to high school together. She is my artistic, writing friend, the most inspirational one to me.
Jaylyn- Jaylyn and I are so much alike sometimes it scares me. Jaylyn gets me in trouble A LOT, and she really is the best to me, always loving and caring. And I can always talk to her no matter what.
So I stayed to do Chronicles of Narnia with Katherine. She ran the lights for the show and I did sound. But the cast and crew we worked with....OH. MY. GOSH. It was the best cast I ever worked with!! They were all middle schoolers and high schoolers. But then again that's my age group I identify most with, so of course they were my favorite cast ever. But it was so much fun! And getting to know my main 16 kids. I'm stoke a lot of them are coming to Liberty next semester to try o get involved with the department. And growing a little closer with the department's faculty was also great!

You know how you look back and just say to yourself, "If my old self knew what I was doing right now..." It's one of those moments where I do sit back and THANK GOD for the position I am in today. Thank God for opening windows and doors...