It's times like these that I want to stay at Liberty.
But tonight I sought out new wonderful friends that really do care about me. I had dinner with Amber, Brittani, Lyn, and David. Yes, you know there is always that one group you can connect with. I think this might be my group. I really did enjoy my time with all of them tonight, I knew there was something right when I was with them. But I am supposed to go to Campus Church with them tomorrow. Siked! Unless they cancel that too, due to weather, bleh!
Snow is so beautiful when it starts to fall quietly from the sky. When I was walking back from Liberty's cafeteria to my dorm. I wasnt cold, I was a bit chilly, but I was content. It was beautiful. I was speechless at how some little things are the really beautiful in God's creation. When I drove my car to the pit and walked all the way back to my dorm, I walked slowly to enjoy the snow moment.
When I got back. It didnt take me long to figure out that my whole quad went out to eat. Jaylyn then walked into my room and sprawled out on my floor, which happens often. She started talking to me and then begged me to walk with them to the brother dorm with the rest of my quad to retrieve a brownie pan. When we got there we tried to get one of our brothers to come out, Davey, and when he opened the door, we attacked him with snowballs.
One thing led to the next, and it was the very first ultimate snowball fight that I was ever involved in!
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