So, hear I am starting another blog. Of course I haven't blogged since my freshman year in highschool. It was a hit back then, hopefully this one will be too. Well let's see I will just jump to the present and what's going on now.
Currently I am in the lovely country Aruba. And I have a love story for you! So my parents own a time share condo here in Aruba. We first inherited it from my mom's dad. So I have been coming here since I was 3 years old. Even when my grand parents were alive I would still come here with them and my parents, occasionally my cousins would come too. Some things always happen in Aruba that I will never forget. Whether the experiances are embarrasing, funny, loving, or sad. I always remember one good story each year. For example it was my 6th grade year when I took a picture of my mother peeing out in the wilderness, threatening blackmail. Or it was when I was 7 and had my first camel ride. Then there was 9th grade where I walked into the hotel lobby and sang with the pianist to the songs from Phantom of the Opera, and had a huge audience. The memories are endless from this beautiful vacation spot.
Last year, my senior year, my cousin came with my aunt and uncle to Aruba. I hung out with her the whole time on the beach and shooping.
Confession: I am addicted to.....hold your breath....BOYS! I love them! I am a sucker for internationa boysl, red headsboys, long curly haired boys, and just cute boys! I like them all!
So, you would understand when I went nuts over one particular spanish boy. Of course I didnt know he was spanish, in my mind last year he was french. He constantly watched me and I constantly watched him. I'm sure he could help it, but I couldnt! So I was always saying to Suzie, my cousin, that I was going to talk to him! And she told me to go for it, of course I wimped out. Suzie actually told me to go up to them and take a picture of their whole family together because they were trying to all get a picture with each other. It ended up she did it, and I stayed behind, not saying a word...CHICKEN!
Now I come to this year! I was convinced that the family was not here. Even though I had seen them previous years, and was totally convinced they had a time share too. I was sure they werent here this year. Two nights ago I went out on our balcony before we went out to eat. As I was looking down, I saw a familiar looking man and young girl. NO! I ran and grabbed my camera so I could zoom in on the man and girl. (At this point I am wishing for binoculars!) I zoom in and take the picture so I can just zoom in a little more. It's him, its the dad from the french family! And that was his daughter, that means if they were here HE WAS HERE! I screamed and then hit the foor because people were already staring. As I stared through the poles of our balcony the whole family was together except the boy. He had not come this year. I was really bummed. He must have not had a long of a break from college like I did.
Then my parents and I went down to my aunt and uncle's room to gather. I asked to borrow their balcony. I went out and there was the whole family and there HE WAS! It was him! The boy! My french boy was back!!!!! I squealed and ran into the living room, because I was sure they heard me. I did a happy dance, then stopped. There is no way I had enough guts to talk to him this year!
Our story takes us to today. I was sitting on the beach with my whole family and I slumped over my sketchbook drawing a little comic out. I heard some commotion and looked up. I saw a familiar woman, and two familiar young girls! My stomach did a back flip! Then like a character from some cool action movie, he came out from behind a little hut. Wearing chrome sunglasses, and a tight white shirt, hot as eva! My french boy! His covered eyes looked around the beach and then his shaded gaze stopped on me. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I whipped my whole body around and threw my sketch book. I froze on the chair, waited, then slowly turned. I looked over my chair, he was sitting there! Right behind my families hut! God must be laughing at me in heaven...enjoying my ridiculous spying skillz. I couldnt focus! Finally I gained enough courage to stand up and walk to my bag and stuff my sketch book in it. I "sneaked" a glance over at him, HE WAS STARING!! I whipped my head back to the bag, and then jumped back into my chair. After 5 minutes I looked over to see if he was there, he wasnt! I bolted to go find my mother to tell her the amazing news.
Anyways blah, blah, blah We couldnt stop staring, at least I couldnt, I knew he remebered me. How can you forget a girl with a purple streak in her hair? Except this year it was blue. Ha! Like last year they started taking family pictures once again. Suzie wasnt here, so I decided to volunteer my amazing photo taking skillz. I jumped up to the mother and asked if she wanted me to take a pictue. She looked at me oddly! I knew it they couldnt speak ENGLISH! NO!!! She looked over at my french boy and said something to him. He trotted over to us and smiled at me and asked what I wanted ENGLISH. I stammered and said I could take a picture of their whole family together if they wanted. He smiled and said yes! His father came over and smiled thanking me, speaking perfect english. The boy handed me his personal camera and showed me how to work it. Puhlease I am a pro, trust me. I am the only person with 100 albums on facebook that I know of, I know picture taking and cameras. Of course I didnt say this, haha! I took the picture and they all came over to me. I could barely hole the camera I was shaking so bad. The whole family gathered around me to see the picture. The boy just wouldnt stop smiling at me!
A little while later the dad strided over to me and started talking to me! My mother jumped into the conversation. The boy came over and stood next to me. Of course I wasnt focusing on the dad's story I was to focused on how close his son was to me, and he could speak english!!!! I found out they were Coloumbian and not french! DUrr! My mother poared my life history to him as usual like she does to all strangers bragging about my voice, blah blah blah. It leaded to me standing in front of the whole family singing for them. Ugh, this was so routine! But in front of the love of my life! Suprinsingly with my nutty nerves I pulled it off. I sang wel for them and they all loved it. They all loved me, finally I got names. The dad is Jamie, the mom is Louisa? (who gave me a besito little imaginary kiss on the cheek!) the sisters are Veronica, and I forgot the other one, and then Daniel. Who they pronounced Danielle! AH! He shook my hand, ah, never washing it again!
I wont see them till Thrusday, that's when we are supposed to exchange contact info from each other. I hope it happens! I pray to God! Oh Jesus! If you put this family in my way for me to love them and for them to love me, puhllllleeeeezzz! Let it all work out and let us find each other on Thursday!
Hmmmm, told you I was a drama queen, this is only a slice...
Pretty cool that you got to know them!
ReplyDeleteI know! I was really happy about that!