((Once again late blog))
Ever since I have seen 500 Days of Summer, that song has been stuck in my head(blog's title)! Great movie, had a little musical clip in the movie, made me fall in love with it. But you will hate the girl in the movie SO MUCH! .
Ok, so yesterday I sped all the way from VA back to NC. I even got in a race with an old Camaro...I won. I think I made record time. :) Why is this? Because I had to get to my favorite preacher Tom Stammen's sermon at my church. Anyway, I went straight to church. When I got there, I snuck through the side entrance, by the stuff I do at the church and what my family does for them, I have earned the privaledge to sneak through the side door. Plus the sermon was already going on. So once I got in the church, I immediately went straight to the sound booth where my friend Josh was. Dillon(my cousin) wasnt there, he was supposed to be there, but he wasnt. So behind the booth I hid and quietly made some phone calls...yes, during Tom's sermon ahaha!
Ok, Tom Stamen is a great preacher. He is a prophet. He only says positive, and very true things when he calls an individual up. I was VERY skeptic when I first saw him. But then I did some research on GOOGLE and saw that there was nothing but positive feedback on him. Then some of the prophecies he preached over my family strated to happen...I was kind of convinced. Stuff has happened to both my mom and dad, but nothing he said to me has happened yet.
It was January 2007. The first time he called me up, he made me sit right down in front of him. He looked right at me, rolled his eyes, and said, "Oh my gosh, YES! You will get a boyfriend!" It was like the wind got knocked out right out of me. When he nailed my character, it was just...surprising. And no one could have tole him these things, because at the time I "strongly disliked" my church and wanted nothing to do with the people there.
So we come to present time. While I was hiding behind the sound booth, Dillon showed up. We listened to the whole sermon, while I TRIED controlling Dillon and Josh, and their random outbursts. But at the end he started calling on people to pray over them. He saw me in the back in the sound booth and called me, I am known to him as..."Bob's daughter." I was 17th.
The prophecies over me: I am a Romanticist (DUH!). I hate English, I still need it, yes. (This was very ironic because I falied my English quiz previously that morning. And I figured it was no biggie, WRONG!) Once again, same as last year, I like a boy with a permanent tan( :) Hello, his name is Daniel!) I will go on more mission trips. I am a daddy's girl. I might even teach English the language itself. And he says he sees me living on a ranch some day. When he said that last part, I was like, "A ranch?!" He shrugged and said, "Yeah, you know a farm, horses, llamas-" That's when I cut him off, full of excitement that I was going to get llamas!
The prophecies over Dillon: The first thing he said, Dillon likes girls and girls LOVE Dillon. This is a prophecy? No, this is a FACT! Dillon should hang out with my dad more, ahaha! He told Dillon that he should be very grateful that he is living with us. He saw Dillon having lots of kids someday. Dillon has the character of Gilligan from Gilligan's Island, and he will never change. And he also told that Dillon has a lot of pain in his heart, and with leaning on God he would get through it. ( I almost started crying at that part.) And Dillon will exceed in the sound booth buisness, :)
Well last night, Sunday, we went to see Tom once again. After getting in a horrible fender bender...ugh. Worse news was it was my father's birthday. I went and just planned on going back to Liberty on Monday. Tom, loves my dad! He thinks my dad is the coolest thing that ever lived! Even the first time he called my dad up he was so happy about my dad. But after he prophecied over Blaze, my mom, Hanna, and Richy(who got hit to a tee) he told me to sit down again. I looked at him weird and I was like, "But..." And he said he had more. I sat down and he told me that he wants me to finish out my studying. O.O (This shocked me because I was to the point I wanted to drop out of Liberty this semester and work on getting into UNCC) Then he told me the most exciting news that I will ever recieve until the day actually comes. I am going to be a mom. This is the first time he has ever said this to me. I wanted to cry I was so excited. Then he said that he sees me designing things. This made me happy, because I was wondering what exactly I would end up doing with my life. He told me to listen to my mom, stop going to my dad for things instead of my mom. Which the whole crowd cracked up on. He also sees me becoming a speaker and speaking in front of large crowds I have an excitement to me other speakers dont. (Its funny because my class mates always told me that I was a very enthusiastic speaker compared to others.) And that was it, I cant remember the rest, but he totally sees me going on mission trips. No problem in that. :D
You might think this is wrong. I dont, because it worked. Last night, because of this man, three of my cousins got saved. Richy, Blaze, and Hanna. And I thank the Lord for it! They have been SAVED!
it's so great that your cousins got saved and I'm glad he encouraged you to stay at Liberty. I'll be back next year, hopefully!
ReplyDeleteyesh! I WANT YOU BACK HERE!!! i think we should try at least getting in the same quad!