Today is my love's birthday. Josh Groban turned 30 today! Wh00t! Wh00t! But really he just turned 21. Today I had this whole scripted out episode and even made props for the best Mary Joan video ever! I was supposed to go snow tubing with my youth group in West Virginia and bring Jaylyn along with me to meet my adorable youth group. NOPE! Twenty minutes before I was about to wake up to get ready to leave, I got a text. Due to weather the trip was cancelled. I was so bummed! I had this whole vision! This whole thing for Josh planned out! but no.... :(
Neh, things always happen for a reason. And I heard that Josh is jealous over Justin Bieber right now, so I have an idea for an episode that I can film this Saturday with at least two of my youth kids. And still include something about it being Josh Groban's Birthday.
But I stayed at Liberty the whole weekend and basically spent all of it with Jaylyn. On Friday I went and saw the theatre department's The Civil War. Okay so this is the show I auditioned to be in. You know how some people have their own wars that just pick at their interests. My war was not the Civil War, for some reason every time we came to the civil war in history class in high school and middle school, I would literally doodle the entire time. World War II now that is my war, just because my family history was so involved with it, and not in a good way either. But when I auditioned for Civil War I auditioned because I know what it's like to have close friends and family away in the war, fighting for our freedom. Half of my youth group and church went into the army.
But I didn't know much about the play and how the director was approaching it. When I saw the set for the first time, it looked like a huge concert! I even went up to the director, Mr. Nelson, and asked him, "I didn't know Justin Beiber was in town." Hee Hee Hee.
But I saw it once with my friends Allie and KK and then the second time I saw it I was with Jaylyn. Who accomplished to abuse me and embarass me all in one night, multiple times. But we had seats in the one of the back rows and no one was around us, so everytime our favorite person came on we would just squeal quietly with excitment, or look to see if either one of us were crying at a certain scene and laugh at one another.
Then we went out in the woods because Jaylyn's boyfriend has an amazing camera, and he loves taking pictures. All the pictures that he took of Jay were beautiful. The ones he took of me, he is a marvelous photographer I'm just not photogenic. :( Oh well, it's going to suck when I have to get head shots, even my senior pics were a pain for me. Nehhhh..... whatevs.
Anyways!! Happy Birthday Josh! Have a wonderful day!

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