Yeah I kind of deleted a BUNCH of dramatic blogs that had to much information in it! Plus it was a long time ago and no matter what I could never change what happened back then. And honestly what happened in the past has only made me stronger.
Where to even begin. Well I came back to Liberty this fall semester, so many amazing things happened. I did not go to UNCC, although it is a wonderful back up plan in case I ever had to go there due to financial reasons. Or other reasons. But overall my parents BEGGED me to give Liberty one more chance. So yeah, I'm back!
But before school, this summer was amazing so many things happened that I can not even wrap my mind around still.
-The kids sadly moved out, and I miss them terribly because I never get to see them anymore.
-I went to camp as a dorm leader for my church. Camp was awesome so many memories. I performed at the talent show, that was an adrenaline rush, and countless amount of kids kept telling me how amazing I was. And God just threw a huge connection through out my whole youth group. It was probably the best moment of my life, all we could do as a group was stand there cry, pray, and hug.
-Also I went to two weddings this summer. One was at my church and one was my cousin Lindsay. They were equally FUN! I went to my church's wedding with one of my best friends from school, Chase, and it was marvelous!
-Then I directed my church's VBS.
But I grew so close to my youth group over this summer, I wasnt sure how I was going to recover to going back to reality and school. Jodi, Josh, Ashlea, JP, Harrison, Dillon, Dylan, Christian, Tori, Kayla, Jazzy, and everyone else I love you all so much.
But when I came back to Liberty I had no idea what was going to happen. I was totally open to everything that was going to happen, but what? I had no idea. But my main goal was to get into the theatre department this year. And believe it or not I got into a production. I got into the show A Christmas Carol as running crew. I was totally thankful it was the best feeling ever!
As the semester progressed I started hanging out with a different group and frankly I was having the best time of my college life.
There was a huge rough patch in October where I was angry.... Angry at everything. I even hated the fact when my Birthday came around. It was bad, I had not been that angry since my senior year. And I did ruin many relationships because I was so angry. But I came out of it pretty well if you ask me, I did not turn from God. But tests like these come. And thankfully I do believe I passed with a C. HA!
Then an earth shattering thing happened for the first time in my life. I got a boyfriend. The one thing that I thought would never happen! I had no idea that this boy liked me, I always thought he liked one of my friends at the time. So I stayed away from that "situation." Then on halloween night I had asked him to help me with my math because I had a test the next day. He agreed and we spent the whole night studying math. Then we went out to eat, and when I dropped him off he asked me out. I was shocked but happy all at the same time.
God had totally blessed me beyond all belief. It was great and I had so much fun! It was a good 6 weeks.This relationship had it's consequences though. I lost a lot of friends because of it, but even though I lost friends I gained new ones within the theatre department. It still hurt though dont get me wrong to lose such amazing people in my life. And the communication didnt work out at all either. And I was constantly busy. Within time I realized the relationship wasnt going to work out so I ended it two weeks before Christmas break.
But the best thing that has happened to me this year is that I have gotten involved with the theatre department. People I have admired and viewed as STARS have become my friends. I never imagined myself being friends with any of these people. I never thought I would get to know any of the directors and I have, and I love it! I LOVE ALL OF THEM!!
Christmas Carol was awesome! I stayed under a stage on the stage the whole play, and I operated an elevator, some props, and window. The set was mind blowing, I wish I could describe it. You just have no idea!
Then another miracle happened. The auditions for the Spring shows came around the corner. I auditioned and interviewed. And I got into production as Assistant Prop Master for the show that originally made me fall in love with theatre. The Phantom of the Opera. I LOVE PROPS!!! I think because I play with so many little figurines in my life I'm just drawn to them like they are toys! But being in this department I am beyond blessed! And I have made friends that I know I will be friends with for years into the future. And I have been intorduced to some life changing plans, and I have been growing with my acting in some amazing classes. I only hope that I can continue to grow and be a part of this amazing department!
Life is pretty good right now. I am content. Sure I am still BOY CRAZY and I have already found someone else I have my eye on. Which I must admit I have done a lot of embarrasing things around, ha! But I dont know, every time I tell someone that I like this guy, especially my best friends, they cant believe it. Because this guy is nothing like I would like, but I dont know, I am just drawn to him, and I just cant help myself. I am crazy with classes this semester, I am in a bunch of theatre classes and art classes because I am now an official double major. I couldnt let art go, so I know I want it always in my life, and I would love to get a degree in it. It will be hard but I love theatre and art both so much and I need to have them in my life always.
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